Do Less Achieve More

All my life, I was told, do more and you will achieve more.

But, after 35 years on this Earth, I’ve learned, on the contrary, doing less, but doing the right things will allow you to achieve more.

I mean just look at the hardest workers in the world: movers, janitors, cleaning ladies, etc. They work crazy hard, yet get little pay.


Well, because they do not create the service, make the big decisions, and get paid hourly.

Now, how about entrepreneurs, business owners, investors?

They do far less. They sit in meetings, have phone calls, make a few key decisions, manage employees, delegate, take vacations, time off, and so on. Yet they make $250,000 plus a year and thus are paid very well.

Again, this is because they solve problems, handle more pressure, make key decisions, “own” and/or manage their employees. They also create the systems/processes in place and have their workers execute the tasks, which is of lesser value than the actual idea of creating a product/service.

I know this firsthand, because I currently live this reality.

To be totally transparent, I make way more than the Coaches who work for me in my Sports Skills Training company called, “Invincilete Sports Academy.”

Yes, I put in a tremendous amount of hard work the first 5 years of my business, literally pouring out blood, sweat & tears. But, fast forward 5 years and I have my 7 Basketball and Soccer Coaches executing all the training for our 100+ students within our program. By removing myself from the actual trainings, I have freed up nearly 14 hours per week, 60 hours per month, 720 hours per year.

What I do then?

Well, I think, strategize, and plan our vision for our company, create relationships/partnerships with other schools, focus on sales, client happiness, billing, admin.

My next hire will be an Executive Assistant, which will further allow me to focus on the few key critical tasks that will move our business forward.

Another example of this realization of how working less will allow you to achieve more is through none other than exercise, specifically building muscle.

As I am currently on an extended stay vacation in Asia, at the time of writing in Bangkok, Thailand, for 6 months with my wife and son I train at Muscle Factory. After reviewing my journal, I have learned that it takes 21 minutes to get to the gym from my C Ekkamai apartment to the gym, 2 hours of training time, 20 minutes to eat my post workout meal, 21 minutes bike back to my apartment. Last week I left my apartment at 1 pm and returned back at 5 pm. That’s 4 total hours dedicated toward going to the gym, working out, eating, and commuting back home.

So, I thought to myself, hey that’s a massive time committment simply to achieve a more aesthetic physique. Can’t I achieve the same or even better body by doing far less?

And lo and behold, the answer was a resounding yes! I am happy to report, I completed a 34 minute workout right here at my gym in my C Ekkamai Apartment building. The commute was 2 minutes on the elevator, 34 minutes of training, 2 minutes commute back up to my apartment. Total of 38 minutes. That’s a grand total savings of 3 hours and 26 minutes saved!

And the pump and muscle size, tone was virtually the same if not better because I trained to failure and with high intensity.

It’s crazy how something like bodybuilding has positively impacted my view on life as a whole ie. personal, business, hobbies and more.

This simple philosophy of doing less yet achieving more began from my firsthand experience through training that yes, indeed, we can achieve more by doing less.

If I am honest, it truly feels like a superpower, in that I can focus on the right things, get better results, have more energy after my workouts, and save hours upon hours of my precious time to now dedicate to family, business, passions and much more.

I encourage you to try this philosophy out and see what results you are able to achieve.

There is a high likelihood it will work for you as well.

Just remember, do less, do the right things and you will achieve your desired results.

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