At 35 I’ve Learned The Ultimate Truth In Life (It’s Not What You Think)

Can you relate?

All throughout your life you lean on, look to “others” for guidance, for permission, approval.

You CLING to your parents, teachers, coaches, girlfriends, etc.

Your thirst and hunger for attention, validation, love, significance is BURSTING at the seams.

You yearn for success, for guidance, for appreciation, for the CHEAT CODES on how to succeed in your endeavors.

Then you turn 35, now a husband, father to a 4 & half year old and you look back and say, “Wow, I really looked externally for the answers to life such as love, success, fulfillment, health, passion, vision of what I want my life to look like when ALL ALONG the ultimate truth was what I was seeking was internal and within me all along.”

For example, when I was 15 getting ready to enter my private high school, St. Peter’s Prep, I felt a mountain of nervousness, anxiety, pressure to succeed. Just for some context, I was the first in my family and in my city to go to a Private High School let alone a presitigious high school like St. Peter’s Prep.

And so I looked out into the world for answers since my parents had only finished 8th grade schooling in Nepal. My answer or so I thought was none other than the late Dale Carnegie’s book, “How To Stop Worrying And Start Living.” Yes, I’ll finally admit it here, I was one of the biggest chronic worriers at that time. I’ll never forget one of the lines that stood out to me was, “Live for this day. Live in day tight compartments. Put a worry time lapse. Give yourself a few seconds to a few minutes to worry and then that’s it. Move on with your day.”

Another example was when I was entering into my first job as an SEO Specialist at Lexis Nexis.

You see, during Rutgers Business School I had created several websites reviewing World of Warcraft Guides to help World of Warcraft Gamers level up and beat the game. Funny thing was, I never even played the game (that’s a story for another video). Anywho, long story short I earned $300 per month on affiliate commission from those sites by ranking my website in the #1 result on the first page of Google. And so I killed my first ever interview due to the results I had earned following George Montague Brown’s Google Sniper Course (man making myself sound old now).

As I look back during that time, I’m happy I experienced that job as an SEO Specialist, however, I sort of betrayed myself since what I truly LOVED and was passionate about was Sports (specifically Basketball), Fitness, writing, performing, acting, music, and much more.

Now at 35 years young, I feel my soul younger than ever, since I am connecting with that little 9 year old boy growing up in Hoboken.

That little boy had so many big dreams, desires, wishes and pure intentions to help others. Even at that age, I knew I wanted to posiviitely impact the lives of others.

It makes me quite emotional thinking about my 9 year old self, letting 15 years pass by pursing SEO, digital marketing, local marketing business with little success when all along my greatest success both in impact and income was within me all along and was actually my greatest unique gifts, strengths.

However, as a positive and optimistic person I looke back on the last 15 years as my training ground, skilling up, leveling up and preparing me for the worldly success that I have recently achieved and am going to achieve.

If you may not already know, I earn $100,000 per year with my in person local sports skills training academy called Invincilete Sports Academy. My Coaches (who work with me) and I teach students from ages 3 to 19 with a focus on Basketball, Futbol (aka Soccer), Baseball, SAQS (Speed, Agility, Quickness, Strength).

And as you now know, Sports & Fitness are 2 of my greatest natural gifts and strengths ever since I was 7 years old. Crazy to think that had I begun my sports skill training academy as my first business at 19 where I would be now. But I’m happy now and have no regrets with how my life turned out.

In any regard, my sports business has trumped the succeed of my 10 year local online marketing business I was running. Not only was I getting just decent results with my local marketing company but I was only making around $25,000 to 30,000 a year after taxes. Fast forward to my sports business I am making a clean $100,000 a year while achieveing PHENOMENAL, LIFE CHANGING results for our players. Honestly, it has been one of the most fulfilling and rewarding businesses I have ever had.

In fact, one day, I was at my parents kitchen table, and my mom and I got to talking about the rapid success of my sports business and the testimonals and restuls we had been receving from players and parents. My heart skipped a beat with joy, but my mind and body replayed and felt the years of relative “failure” of my previous businesses (local marketing, drop shpping, private lable, affiliate marketing amazon fba, wristbands), and I just broke down. I was overwhelmed with happiness for our students and for FINALLY achieving AMAZING RESULTS for my clients AND for FINALLY earning $100,000 + (a goal that I had for 10+ years).

To think all I was seeking in terms of worldly success and fulfilment was inside of me all along.

As Jim Carey said, “my father failed at something he hated, why not do what you love”.

I am living proof and a living testament of that. PLEASE, I BEG YOU to not make my mistake, pursuing money. It works for some, but if you’re anything like me, you are a creator, artist, and will thrive by truly pursuing your love, passions, and greatest unieuq. gifts.

And to my son, baby boy, PLEASE FOLLOW YOUR HEART. I will support you in anything you want to pursue. I promise you, all you wish is waiting for your on the other side. I’ll see you there.

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