Remove Literal “Poop” From Your Stomach (You Feel Better, Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Are Healthier)

They say our “gut” is our “second brain”.

Not sure if that’s true or not, but I don’t about you, but every time after I “poop” I feel lighter, freer, more energetic, my bodily systems feel cleaner. I also have something the millennials call “Post Poop Clarity.”

I’m not sure what’s at play here, but I can think more clearly, feel I accomplished something and I literally feel better probably due to the fact that I removed all that waste, gunk and toxic build up in my body.

As I sit here in my office and type these words, I just pooped a big load of feces earlier this morning and I feel AMAZING!

My mind is clear, my stomach is clean, and I feel ready to conquer my next project.

It’s interesting because if you look at our human needs, we need to eat, drink, sleep, etc.

And I’ll tell ya when I have to poop boy oh boy, pooping is the only thing on my mind at that very moment.

Now, a quick tip to delay your poop if you need to add toilet paper on your seat or any other ritual you have before getting down to business is, breathe deeply and think of something other than pooping. This works for me. Give it a shot (no pun intended).

Another benefit of having consistency bowel movements is: your stomach is flatter. Go figure. And for those of us with sub 10% body fat our 6 packs and/or abs show A LOT more. Yeah, we were literally carrying “sh*t” in our bodies, removed it and now look shredded.

Lastly, by removing waste from your body you honor your bodily systems, flow with the natural process of removing waste from your body and in turn your body awards you with a cleaner, more efficient and effective system, hence why we FEEL more energetic, have clearer thinking and feel happier.

HOW Do You Actually Create More Bowel Movements If You Can’t or Don’t Feel Like Pooping?

Well, here are a few things that have worked for me and continue to work:

  1. Leafy Greens since they have so much fiber
  2. Green juice
  3. Coffee
  4. Matcha Green Tea
  5. Eating fibrous foods
  6. Eating more whole foods
  7. Drinking more water
  8. Lemon
  9. Apple Cider Vinegar

In any case, I hope that was helpful and not too graphic or TMI (too much information). Even if it was I hope it helped you in some way to realize that although disgusting to some, removing waste from our bodies is natural and having consistent bowel movements will lead to a better, more energetic and healthier YOU.

Here’s to more “satisfying” bowel movements.


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