Do What You Are Great At To Become Successful (Not What You Are Passionate About)

Listen, I had to take a cold hard look at myself and the results I had achieved for myself and my clients.

I had produced decent results for my digital marketing clients for my company, Achieve Visibility.

However, they weren’t great results, clients were a nuisance. So results weren’t spectacular and the client phone calls asking where are the leads sucked even more.

But, my local sports skills training business was growing, my clients were getting amazing results, it was fulfilling and I was freaking great at it.

Now, you can say I am quite lucky in that I get to train kids and athletes for a living.

And I would say, yes I am.

I get to do what I love, I am great at it, and my athletes are getting great results.

And getting my clients great results has been something I have chased for 10 plus years!

Thankfully, I have finally found something that has allowed me to provide those great results.

BUT, Basketball skills training has come to a point where it has become a grind, there are several clients who are a pain to work with, and even some who are not getting as great results as others.

Also, there are points in training where it is utterly boring and I have to deal with the emotions of parents and kids. At times, with some young players, it feels like glorified baby sitting. And what gets my blood boiling is having to listen to parents who have never played Basketball telling me how to do my job. Get the f*ck outta here.

And so, like anything in life, there are moments in any line of work that will be boring, annoying and downright painful to endure.

But, I am great at it.

I am getting my clients results, it is something I am uniquely gifted and suited for in that it involves Basketball, movement, athleticism, creativity. All things I have excelled at ever since I was a young boy in Hoboken. Furthermore, I am making good money from it. As a husband and father, I am able to provide for and support my family with my income. With the income my own personal clients whom I train and the passive income from the clients my coaches train, I am bringing home a very good income.

So you see, Basketball skills training, the business of managing clients, the coaches that work for me, have gotten to a point where there are days I hate it and want to just quit. I’d rather be writing here on my site, earning passive income from my online business, websites, affiliate websites, and investments where I don’t have to talk to anyone. And that day is coming soon.

However, for the time being, I am doing things I don’t want to do, BUT the results are there for my clients and I am making money.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Basketball and skills training, but not the same as I once did.

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