Stopping Coffee After 3 pm Has Improved My Sleep Quality & Allowed me to wake up at 4:30 am Rested

Photo by Mockup Graphics on Unsplash

I love coffee!

It’s freaking amazing.

It is the elixir of life.

It allows me to enter my flow state, venture into unknown worlds and write about them.

It’s my rocket fuel that super charges my mind, body and spirit.

I can literally move boulders with my bare hands after a few sips of my favorite Starbucks French Roast Dark Roast Ground Coffee w/ Hazelnut Coffee mate Creamer.

Ok, seriously though. I get shit done on that drip.

But, and this is a big but, I MUST stop drinking around 3 pm, 4:30 pm the latest or else my sleep will be total doo-doo.

Yeah, I’ll get the recommended 8 hours or so but I wake up groggy, in a slight daze and feel like I only slept for 4 hours.

Now how in the actual frick does that make sense?

It shouldn’t, but that’s how science and our bodies work.

You see, coffee stays in your system for up to 8 hours after you drink it.

So let’s say you drink your last cup of good ol’ joe at 6.

That junk is gonna stay in yo’ system until 2 am.

And guess what?

Studies and various research has shown that we get our most refreshing and nutrifying sleep before 12.

You know the old saying, “any hour before 12 counts as double.”

Also, coffee posssesses inside it a chemical called adenosine.

Adenosine is a chemical found in human cells. There are three different forms: adenosine, adenosine monophosphate (AMP), and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Adenosine blocks electrical signals in the heart that cause irregular heart rhythms.

When you over fill your adenosine levels it will start to wreak havoc on your immune system. And in this case, your sleep quality.

So what was my solution?


Let’s go!

Ok, I know, not that exciting.

BUT, for me, it’s totally exciting because I get to continue drinking something hot after my last cup of “cawfee” (Jersey boy. Jersey we out here!)

And to make it taste 100 times better I add 2-3 heaping tablespoons of Organic Honey and half a lemon.

Bro, you stir that up just right and consume that thing it tastes freakin amazing!

Coffee, you know I love you.

Please don’t get jealous. You’re still my #1.

But dang that hot honey organic mint decaf tea though…

Anywho, after guzzling that bad girl down I’m amped. Locked and loaded to fire again at the computer and create some epic shit.

Oh yeah and when I call it quits for the night, I stroll into bed around 10 pm and wake up at 4 am to 5 am feeling like a champ! Fully rested, recovered, and ready to kick the shit out of my day!

To wrap up here, I hope you gleaned some value out of my beautiful memoir/cycle of my coffee and decaf tea consumption.

It’s been a total game changer.

But, I hope you try it out for yourselves because I’ve substituted my love of coffee and caffeine for something non-caffeinated and my immune system has thanked me and rewarded me greatly.

I hope you try it because I’m sure you’ll thank me as well.

Let’s go get em’.

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