Using what you have to level up in life.

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

We are all faced with situations when we feel that we are not ready or don’t have that “thing”, which would allow us to “level up”. Trust me, this is all too tempting and something that every single person goes through. In fact, this is something I have been pondering a lot lately and something that is proving to be true over and over again. Let me explain…

So recently, I hurt my ankle while playing Basketball and I heard something pop. My immediate reaction was “oh fuck, please don’t tell me I broke it! Please God, please God, please God!” You see for me training is life and if I can’t train and get better my whole life is fucked. I’m trying to get back to play Pro Basketball overseas. On top of that my growing training business and youtube channel depend on my well being and ability to train, record myself and demonstrate to others how to perform athletic movements. In any case, my friend Remi came over and asked me if I could walk, I said, “nah I don’t think so”. I tried but no I was in excruciating pain, so I just hopped over to the bench. I just sat there trying to move my ankle in a circular motion and try to do the ABC’s but it hurt so much. After 10 minutes of just sitting and talking with some old friends whom I hadn’t seen in a while, due to COVID, I tried walking and thank God I was able to at least limp with a decent amount of pain.

Fast forward a few days and the Doctor looked at my X rays and said, “Good news, it looks like you just have a sprained ankle.” Boy was I relieved. Doc said I had symptoms of a fracture and he spotted one very tiny possible hairline fracture, which could be a tiny fracture in the bone outside my ankle. I asked him, “what is your gut telling you Doc?” He says, my gut is telling me that you are fine”. Phew. But “let’s give it a week” he says. So he wrapped me up in an ace bandage, put me in a boot, and off I went…in a boot! I was thankful for just having a sprained ankle but that still meant I had to take some time to rest and recover and for an active athlete like me a few days feels like an eternity.

Me with my boot on pissed that I have to wear this thing now.

So, I get home and after a few days in my boot, I can’t take it anymore.

Elevating my foot in the ace bandage Doc wrapped my ankle in

So while resting and elevating my foot on my three fluffy pillows I ask myself, “what could I do right now even though I have a sprained ankle with this boot on?” My mind immediately went to “Ab training, stationary Basketball form shooting, pushups, situps, pullups, dips, etc..” So I went straight into doing 100 pushups that 1st day and 100 crunches. The next day, I did abs and chest. I did one of my favorite ab workouts from my boy Brandon Carter called “The Ab Assault”. I crushed this 25 minute ab workout and then went into doing 103 variations of pushups from regular pushups, close, wide, diamond. I also did 103 crunches. I even did 5-10 second L sits balancing on two chairs for the first time. I felt fucking amazing! Oh and boy did I feel that pump! Whooo! Let’s fucking go!

You see, I made the most of my situation and did whatever I could to improve myself. I could have sat there and sulked with the woe is me mentality. But nah I knew I was better than that and that there was so much I could do since I only had one hurt leg. I had more limbs and body parts I could workout. Now granted, take your rest for the first few days and if you feel up for it then get up and start working. Time waits for no man. Thankfully, after resting for about 4 days, incorporating the proper RICE (aka Rest. Ice. Compression. Elevate.) method during the first few days of my injury and of course with the Doctor’s help my ankle feels amazing. No pain when I walk and I feel like with some more rehab I will be back on the court and training in the weight room by next week.

Another quick example is my decision to buy one of the best and most expensive pro cameras on the market to “level up” my Youtube Channel and vlogging video quality. You see, I don’t REALLY need the nicest camera right now since my Iphone 10 S Max already shoots in 4k 60 fps. On top of that I will be upgrading next month anyway to the latest iphone 12, which will have an even better camera than my 10 S Max and will shoot in 4k 60 fps as well in addition to having a wider lens and many other new amazing features. My focus and goal should actually be to just start posting my already recorded videos and record new videos with my phone until the Sony A 7 S III is back in stock for me to order. I could use the money that I would have spent on that for better lighting, necessary youtube gear, other essential business accessories, etc.

My last example, is this blog. In the beginning of my blogging journey I didn’t think I was enough. I use to study the philosophies and teachings of so many of the greatest minds for hours upon hours and look to emulate their mindsets and views on the world. All the while I had everything I needed inside of me. All I had to do was just speak my truth, which would eventually help someone, who is in the same position as me, or a few years behind me in their journey and who could learn from my mistakes and lessons.

So family, what have you gone through or are currently going through where you felt or feel that you just weren’t ready, weren’t enough, or didn’t have enough resources to get the job done? I know I’ve been through this many times in my life. But as the title of Grace Byers Children’s book says “I Am Enough”. In fact, I have this posted on the wall in my office just above my desk to remind myself constantly throughout the day that “I Am Enough”.

I encourage you to just start now on whatever that “thing” is you want to do or “who” you want to become. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Do not live your life with regret. If there’s one thing that COVID has taught us is that you never know when it is your time to go. The clock is ticking. Time waits for no man or woman. Make your mark. I love you. We the people of the world love you.

What are you waiting for? For we are waiting for your magic and brilliance that we all know you can bring to our world.

With all my love. Stay safe and stay blessed.


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