The Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The novel Coronavirus aka COVID-19 has caused much pessimism, fear and death. What is the novel Coronavirus? Well, it is in the same family as the flu and cold. It can cause respiratory issues, sore throat, fever, headache, and even pneumonia. It loves cold temperature and hates hot temperature. It has been named a global pandemic by the WHO (World Health Organization). Bill gates has called it a once in a century pathogen. The last time we as a race have faced such a ruthless pandemic was back in 1918. This Flu Pandemic was the most severe pandemic in recent history. It was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin. Although there is no universal consensus regarding where the virus originated, it spread worldwide during 1918-1919. This pandemic killed an estimated 50 million people worldwide with about 675,000 occurring in the United States. It is estimated that about 500 million people or one-third of the world’s population became infected with this virus.

Already with the Coronavirus the CDC has reported, 170,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) have been reported, including an estimated 7,000 deaths in approximately 150 countries. Currently, that number reported by John Hopkins University has climbed to 300,000. In the US, we have more than 27,000 cases, with a death toll of 340 deaths and the virus is now present in all 50 states. In New York city here alone has rapidly become the US epicenter of the Coronavirus with numbers as stagerring as: 7,500 cases up from 800 just last week, 60 deaths, and killing 1 person an hour in NYC. Governor Cuomo has even signed an Executive Order directing ALL non-essential business statewide to close in-office functions effective on Sunday at 8PM. 

Ok, enough with the scary news. It is obvious that this virus has shook the world, with Italy calling it the most serious threat since World War II. This has affected our way of life, families, schools, businesses, the economy. I guess the silver lining through all of this is that it is bringing families and people, in general, together. What I mean by this is that we are fighting this through social distancing, meaning we are self quarantining ourselves and staying at home to avoid any contact with others. I know this may not be the case for all people, but I would imagine for the majority it has been a way to enjoy the family bonding time we have been missing due to overworking, working out, etc. Personally, my wife, 4 month old newborn son, and I have grown so much closer together. I work for WebMD, the leading source for trustworthy and timely health and medical news and information. As an Email Marketing Integration Manager I have to be in the office 4 days out of the week. We typically get 1 day to work from home. For someone who worked from home at his previous job working for Reed Elsevier, another leading publishing company, I was in the office once a week and 4 days worked from home. So it was the complete opposite for me. And so as one would imagine this did not sit well with me since I love working from home as it allows me to spend time with family, go to the gym, save 2 hours of commuting time, buy groceries in the middle of the day, wear anything I want or do whatever the heck I want to do. Because of this I have been looking for a work from home position or wishing that my business becomes successful to allow me to quit and work from home. But although unfortunate this virus has arisen and forced not just my company but all companies globally to work from home or to not work at all.

With this need to work from home it has allowed me and afforded me the time to wake up and just hang out with my son. Just be there to watch him smile, laugh, look me in the eye with so much love as he subliminally is telling me, “Daddy, I love you so much!”. I have time to change his diaper, put him to sleep, etc. My wife and I can have lunch together and just chat about anything. My family and I have smiled, laughed and played with each other more than ever.

I guess what I am trying to say is that with all the heart and gut wrenching tragedy that we as a race have suffered these past several months we must remain positive and control only the things that we can. We can apply self quarantine, wash our hands for 20 seconds after touching anything that has come from outside, be happy, stay positive, workout from home to keep healthy and stay clean. The courageous Doctors, Nurses, Police, Firefighters, National Guard, Volunteers and anyone else helping out there is doing God’s work, the Lords work by risking their lives helping others. For that we say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. The FDA, who are working tirelessly around the clock to produce a vaccine that will work to kill this thing, who are also risking their lives, have our deepest gratitude.

And last but not, Mr. President, thank you for finally taking serious course of action to help our American people, working with the FDA, with companies like Bayer to produce a vaccine to kill this virus. Thank you for giving 2,000 or more to the American people to help us get through this challenging time in our history. You sir also have our deepest gratitude. 

This too shall pass. And when it does we will rejoice, play out in the sun, and live our happiest, best lives. Until that time comes please stay healthy, stay positive, and stay clean! May God bless you all. We have been through pandemics much worse than this. We will get through this. We shall overcome. My love and heart goes out to you all.  

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