Get Physically Strong You Become Stronger (You Can Withstand Life’s Obstacles)

With my body physically strong and becoming stronger everyday, I am able to withstand life’s obstacles, challenges and B.S.

I suppose scientifically by lifting heavy weights, which is a form of exercise, it improves our cardiovascular health, increases mitochondria, better circulation, releases endorphins, increases your energy levels because it causes a release of norepinephrine (noradrenaline), a neurotransmitter that functions by elevating your heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels, essentially providing your body with a readily available energy source to power through physical activity.

Personally, I feel unstoppable after exercising, specifically lifting heavy weights. I feel like a f*cking badass. Like I cannot be f*cked with.

It’s almost as if the weights harden my mind.

By lifting weights I build a stronger body which in turn allows me to build a stronger life.

For example, I hate doing bulgarian split squats. I fucking hate it.

BUT, after completing them and going on about my day, I think about how much I hate bulgarian split squats but still do them anyway. And so when I have something pop up in my day that I hate I think of the bulgarian split squats and think, “wait, if I hate bulgarian split squats and did them anyway, then I can damn well do this shit I hate.” Thus, I get what I hate done, which release dopamine in my brain and bleeds into other tasks like a domino effect where I get more and more and more stuff done easier and easier.

It’s a weird phenomena, but an amazing high. Working out HARD, for an 1 hour to 1 hour and half is like taking a shot of steroids. The adrenaline rush I get from working out is quite literally a drug. Almost as if I took the NZT pill in the movie Limitless.

Add eating whole foods, not jerking off, or watching porn or other vices and you now have a super human super heroe ready and able to destroy any task that comes his way.

In closing, lift HEAVY ASS WEIGHT, preferably sweat, get out of breath and push yourself to your MAX!

The post workout buzz will last for a day to 3 days. It’s also known in the fitness world as the “After-Burn Effect”.

Get to work and report back on how you feel.

I’m actually heading out right after this post to go workout and then train my athletes.

God bless and God speed.

We. Got. This.


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