I’ve Hacked Myself (Optimized, Self Actualized, Win At Anything)

For the first 35 years of my life, I looked to others for the answers on how to live my best life.

Year 36 of my life, I have finally hacked myself.

My Aha-moment came out of sheer boredom.

I had made enough money, yet when I was home not being productive or useful I began to feel my soul wither away.

It was as if my body was deteriorating. I felt it aging. This was in large part due to me not working out on a daily basis.

For 1 week I had lived like a recluse.

  1. No earning of income to provide for family
  2. Inside the house all day
  3. No human interaction
  4. No exercise
  5. Constant consuming of youtube videos
  6. No creating or building
  7. No writing

On day 3 I began to wonder, was this what I truly wanted – to live a life of no movement, no contribution, no challenge, no creating, no mental stimulation, no striving for something, etc.?

And then on the 7th day I had had enough.

I went back to my normal routine:

  1. Began earning money by training my athletes
  2. Got out into nature
  3. Exercise HARD in the gym
  4. Created Youtube videos
  5. Began writing daily again
  6. Created more content and work than I consumed
  7. Played more with family

And so I realized a few things about myself:

  1. I NEED to be moving. Movement is medicine. I specifically LOVE lifting HEAVY weights. Something about being able to lift heavy objects, as a man, that uplifts my brain, energy and confidence.
  2. Nature is healing and nourishment.
  3. I NEED a challenge or to do something hard every day. I felt a visceral human need to do something difficult. By completing something difficult my brain and body felt accomplished.
  4. I love and need to be writing something everyday. It fills my soul, provides an outlet, fulfillment and a feeling of contribution to my son and humanity.
  5. I NEED to be earning a healthy income because as a man, a husband and a father, I feel deep down at my core it is my duty to provide a healthy life for my family. I felt like sh*t when I was no longer earning money for my family.
  6. I love and NEED to be creating, building something of value way more than I consume content. When I create or build something I am being useful, productive and contributing to the collective human consciousness, society or cycle of life.
  7. Family is one of the most important things in my life. When playing with my wife and son I felt a deep feeling of love, pleasure, joy, peace, happiness and overrall human fulfillment and connection. We are social creatures and especially being with those we love, completes this need for social interaction with other humans.

I am now more confident, at peace, driven, fulfilled, excited, happy and eager to attack life, be adventurous, and to create more useful things for our world.

I have hacked myself, resulting in a human who is optimized, moving closer toward self actualization and can win at anything.

Your turn.

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