Let It Flow (Fun, Present, & Full Of Love)

Weird, but yesterday I was playing Basketball and oddly enough the more I tried to make deep NBA range 3 pointers the less I made, yet the more I relaxed, let my shot flow, the more I made and more consistently.

I could not help but relate this to life.

Look, the majority of us are striving to make “MONEY”. Let’s just be real here. Money is important in the modern day society we live in, whether you like it or not.

And in this pursuit of money we become work-aholics, obsessed, and become sometimes become highly stressed since we either want more, can’t figure out how to get more or just have too much on our plate.

As many of you know, I am also a Basketball Skills Trainer. And so, yesterday, I had a training session with a 9 year old at Buchmuller Park. But I didn’t feel like going. I actually wanted to stay in my office and keep working on posting our videos to build our social media presence.

However, I love what I do and know from experience that once I get moving then I become motivated, excited and happy. Also, just to fill you in, some of the self talk I was having was, “Bro, just put your head down, start moving. You love Basketball, you love training kids, this is your job so you have to provide for your family, and you need to move around, you’ve been sitting and working all day in the office. Please get out into nature and go hoop.”

Yes, my self talk truly helped me. But the BIGGEST thing that helped me was reminding myself to just “HAVE FUN” and find “JOY” in everything I do.

Look, I know, we are “LIFING” and life has it’s magical ways of making well, life, tough for us, feeling like pushing a boulder uphill or just plain HARD.

But, yesterday, thinking HAVING to train my player, I thought, “Wow, I GET to train kids for a living. Wow, what a life.” So I took the heaviness out of life or HAVING to train my player.

What also reminded me to have fun yesterday was the fact that one of my favorite Basketball players, Dekembe Mutombo, passed away at the age of 60. If you don’t know who he is, Mutombo had an infectious passion, smile and love for the game of Basketball. I thought how sad it was that he passed but at the same time we must celebrate his life and that we are all going to die as well. With that thought of death in my mind I shifted my mindset to one of GRATITUDE, JOY, and looking to HAVE FUN in life.

With fun in my mind I took to the courts, shot around, got my blood flowing and boy was it a FUN training session and workout at the park.

So I reached the court, waited for my client to arrive since he was caught in heavy traffic and did some warm-up shooting. Struggled, then “Let if FLOW” and then made 5 in a row, 7 in a row, it was WILD. I was in the zone, in flow, in a blissful state, ecstacy, endorphins, dopamine, and danced with all the feel good chemical compounds.

I know this was a simple one, but I’ve found in my 35 years on this Earth that the simple lessons are usually one of the most profound and relates to nearly every area of our lives.

I hope this connected with you in some way and I hope you can HAVE FUN, Let if FLOW, and find JOY in your day.



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