Life Is Utterly Meaningless (And That Is Ok)

What is the meaning of life?

I’m going to give it to you straight – there is no meaning.

Life is utterly meaningless. Monks, Yogis, Scientists, and the smartest among us have been asking this question for millions of years.

After grappling with this question all my life, I’ve come to realize that life is utterly meaningless.

The only meaning in life is the meaning we give it. Therefore, the meaning of life is subjective. We each will have our individual meaning of life. There is no right or wrong answer.

Now, where does that leave us?

Well, you can take my statement and pursue your passions, do what you love to do, start that business you’ve always wanted to, travel, or run ragged and commit crimes, which I am not condoning.

Whatever it is that you decide, nothing matters in the end. We will all die.

And ultimately the Sun will burn up the Earth and Earth will turn to dust.

So for me, I will simply live my truth. I will continue to do what I want, when I want, with whom I want, as much as I want.

I will not care what anyone thinks.

I will continue to walk to the beat of my own drum.

For the end, we’ll all perish and be forgotten.

Life is utterly meaningless and that is ok.

Let that thought liberate you and inspire you to find joy, do what lights you up, and do whatever the heck you want.


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