Magical Make It Happen Monday

Photo by Cristian Escobar on Unsplash

At the start of each day, I label the day something fun and inspiring with some alliteration to make it memorable.

Today is, Magical Make It Happen Monday. A day that will be magical yet highly actionable and output focused as we will strive to make magic happen through sharing our passion, genius and brilliance with the world.

As we all know, Mondays can be a day filled with dread, stress, worry, overwhelm, fatigue, anger and just an all around disdain for the day. At least in the U.S., our work week starts on Monday whereas some countries like in my native country, Nepal, work begins on Sunday.

In any case, for us Americans, Monday is the day that most of us were not looking forward to. That is if you hate what you do, don’t like what you do, or just yearning to do something else.

I used to be this person who hated what they did for a living.

You see I started off this bright eyed, bushy tailed kid out of business school ready to take on the world and put my skills to good use. But as time went on, I grew more and more unhappy with my jobs, with bosses, coworkers, corporate politics, 9 to 5 work constraints, and much more.

I knew deep in my heart that I was destined for more. I knew that I wanted to be an entrepreneur but at the same time I wanted to play professional basketball overseas – a dream I had since I was a kid.

Fortunately, I’ve gone on to accomplish both those things – I have become an entrepreneur and a professional basketball player.

So, today, for me, Mondays are no longer a day I dread.

In fact, it’s a day that I look forward to and one in which I feel like is a great opportunity to crush and start off the work week with a bang and on the right foot. I love what I do now because deep down of who I am, I am a creator, an innovator, and a loving soul who just wants to give, help, and share my gifts with the world so we all can prosper.

This “creation” comes in many forms such as this blog, my youtube videos, my social media channels, my photos, my businesses, my products, etc.

As an employee I felt shackled and restrained from fully being me and letting my thoughts, my beliefs and my work shine through.

Now, I am free to share my thoughts, beliefs and creations with the world. I do not need approval from anyone. I do not need their negativity, their cynicism, pessimism, their desire for mediocrity, or their input. I can publish whenever and whatever I want and that is such a liberating feeling. More than the freedom of the work itself, is the time freedom I now have be able to do what I went, when I want, and go wherever I want at any moment. As a father to a newborn this is invaluable and one of the greatest gifts as an entrepreneur, to be able to spend time with family and be there for them when they need me most.

So to sum up this post, I understand we are all facing one of the most challenging times in our history with this pandemic. But we will get through it together as we’ve always done throughout the beginning of time.

For me, I am focused on creating and helping others become the greatest versions of themselves, live their best life and live their dreams. I would have loved to continue playing professional Basketball this year, but it’s okay I can play the end of this year or next year.

For now, I will make the most of this time with family, with my work and with myself for introspection and reflection. This has been a devastating yet high growth year for me personally, as I’ve been able to focus more on creating and sharing my magic with the world rather than having to go to a soul sucking job and letting my gifts just wither away.

And I wish the same for you. Make the most of this time we all have at home quarantined.

If you are still working a job, then make time for your dreams and side hustles. Work on them in the early morning before work, lunch hours, breaks, after work, weekends, whenever you have a free moment.

If you’re lucky enough to be able to work full time on your dreams and/or business then keep going.

Above all, whether you are still working a day job or working full time on your passions, never stop pursuing that which sets your soul on fire.

Share your magic with the world.

Peace and love,

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