Harnessing Your Addictive & Obessesive Personality

For as long as I can remember, I have been an obsessive individual.

It doesn’t matter what it is, good or bad, productive or destructive.

I go all in. No pun intended.

For a majority of my pursuits in life, this addictive personality has served me well.

When trying to learn new skills, I become obsessed and learn everything about a certain subject.

When trying to get straight A’s in College I learned from people like MIT Professor, Cal Newport, on “How to Win At College.” Result: achieved 4.0 my Junior year in College.

When trying to make it as a Professional Basketball player, I woke up at 4 am, trained for 6 hours a day, went to Pro Showcases in places like Las Vegas, New York. Result: Played Semi-Pro for The Bronx Holy Flames, got a Pro Contract in the MNBA in Mongolia, played for my Nepalese National Team, played in Thailand, India.

When trying to attract my wife, I became obsessed on how to manifest her into my life. Result: I am happily married to the woman of my dreams.

When trying to help other and positively impact their lives I immersed myself to learn from people like Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Bryan Tracy, etc. Result: I run a successful Sports Skills Training academy helping 150 plus kids every week and am growing this website and social media channels to impact even more lives via the internet.

Now, on to the “not so productive” stuff.

When I was younger and filled with testosterone and sexual energy or “horniness” I would resort to “porn” and watched 2-4 hours in one day. Result: I wasted time, felt like shit and got erectile dysfunction “ED” for 2 weeks of my life.

When exercising, I can exercise for 5 to 8 hours straight, and I often did in my twenties. Result: Wasted time, energy and lost opportunities to make money.

When eating “junk food” I can eat like a 800 pound fat person. When eating junk food I am on a “See-Food” diet. Meaning I see food and I eat it. Result: I feel sluggish, regret eating so unhealthy and waste hours on the toilet and even more hours to recover the next day.

As you can see there are good and bad sides to having an obsessive personality or character.

As a man at 34 who has done endless amounts of inner work, deep meditation and reflection, I can honestly say I have developed a strong hold on channeling my obsessive personality for good.

Don’t get me wrong, there are times when I “indulge” in life because hey life’s too short right? Or times where I may slip up. But, I am much quicker to correct course and steer my ship to where I’d like to go.

This is possible for anyone. It just takes time, energy, focus and effort.

You can do it.

Make it happen.

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