We’re All Dying, Die Well

Life has many ups and downs.

Very similar to a surfer riding a wave.

You can choose to struggle and force your way through the wave, or you can let go, enjoy the ride, go “with” the ebb and flow of the water and just be.

This metaphor of riding a wave relates quite well to riding the waves of life.

One moment we may be having the time of our lives, full of happiness and experiencing pure ecstacy. The next moment you may endure the worst pain of your life.

But what is the common theme?

Whether good or bad, it all comes and goes.

Nothing is permanent.

It will all pass.

Just like our lives and our existence.

We all come and go.

We will not last.

Take it as being morbid or a realist.

This is just a fact.

You can choose to be depressed by this fact or inspired by it.

Choose what you’d like, however, for myself I choose to be inspired by it.

I understand my time is limited and that I will die one day.

Upon first realizing this, yes, I felt a bit sad and depressed.

But, after some deep thought, meditation and reflection I’ve come to realize this:

So what, we will die one day. Does that mean I will sulk and spend my days withering away?

No, I will experience all that this life has to offer. I will do my best to live fully, live in the moment, live out my wildest dreams and live with joy.

In essence, I will die well.

I will go with the flow of life’s ups and downs and ride the waves of life.

I will laugh and I will cry.

I will be happy and I will get upset.

I will succeed and I will fail.

I will be joyful and I will suffer.

I am after all a human being.

But, will I stay in these moods, moments or emotions?

No, these feelings will all come and go.

Just the same, I will come and go.

You will come and go.

We will come and go.

We are all dying.

I accept this fate.

However, I choose to die well.

What will you choose?

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