Magic of Momentum

Photo by Dave Ruck on Unsplash

Momentum is something that is truly magical. Once you knock out one task, you’ll have the deep desire to knock out another and another. In fact, this exact thing happened to me yesterday. I literally felt on fire.

I had started off my day with feeding my son his breakfast, giving gratitude to the Lord for the day, then 30 minutes of meditation. Due to trying to figure out my next career move as well as having to take care of my growing 15 month old son, including taking him to his first haircut, to the zoo, taking pictures of him on our Canon camera, not to mention having to go grocery shopping, hang out with my parents and brothers. Let’s just say it’s been quite hectic these past couple weeks and I found myself in a sort of weird funk. To top it all off, I was not able to work out and continue to my training regiment.

But, yesterday, I somehow was able to get out of this funk and just get started on my workout routine. A big reason for this was listening to Mel Robbins talk about her 5 second rule, which I will write a separate blog post about. In a nutshell, the 5 second rule consists of just counting down just like a rocket ready to launch – 5,4,3,2,1 and then you go and do the thing you’ve been procrastinating on.

Well, lo and behold, I impolemented the 5 second rule and it worked! I was able to start my workout routine, apply the 5 second rule to my heavy lifts, such as explosive high hang pulls with 165 lbs on the bar, and destroy my exercises. I was a freaking beast. In fact, since I am focused on improving my vertical jump at the moment, I was jumping higher than I’ve had in weeks.

After my workout, I felt so energized that I was able to do two extra sets of hot/cold showers. I typically can do just one set, so this was pretty freaking cool. Thanks to my hot/cold shower I felt envigorated and even attacked my 655 page thick NSCA certification textbook, which I’ve been putting off for a month and a half, since I found it boring and more importantly, I had “more important” career choices to be considering at the moment.

As per today, I’ve continued that momentum, by eating a healthy meal, working out first thing in the morning, reading “Writing Wisely and Well” by Marlene Martin and Maureen Girard and now writing this blog post.

I must be honest however. I truly feel that the catalyst to all this “momentum” was due to me getting in my workout. For me, being an athlete since I was 9 years old, I have always been very active, been obsessed with Basketball and identify myself as someone who is very athletic. Due to this sort of “identity” as an athlete and my need for fitness, to get my blood flowing, looking good and feeling good, I truly feel that this has a huge influence on my life and other passions in life. If I can stick to my training, I am always in a better state of mind, better mood, and feel aligned with my purpose of being one of the most athletic humans to have ever lived, which in turn allows me to be the best husband I can be, the best father I can be, the best writer I can be, the best athletic performance trainer I can be, the best entrepreneur I can be, the best giver I can be, the best human I can be. Because to be “human” is to move, eat healthy, and actually be healthy life.

I encourage you to find that one thing that can be the catalyst to your momentum.

Magical momentum is available to us all.

Much love,

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