Lesson Learned At 35 (The World Isn’t What It Seems. Question EVERYTHING!)

All my life I believed the news, business men, commercials, advertisements, politicians, you name it, I believed them at face value.

What I learned after interacting with 100,000 plus humans personally, doing research, listening closely, observing the results of the post-mortem analysis I had done, I told myself, “DO NOT” listen to people in mainstream media like CNN (aka Constant Negative News), business men, politicians, even the humans you interact with on a daily basis.

When I visited my cousin brother in Nepal 6 months ago my son had left his phone at the Nepalese Restaurant we ate at and I was going to send our personal driver to get our phone but then I told my cousin I will tell my driver to please give the tip to the person who kept my son’s phone for us instead of just keeping it to himself (since there is a lot of corruption that goes on in 3rd world countries like my own). But my cousin remarked, “Sonam, you have trust issues huh? Who crossed you or swindled you to make sure your driver gives the tip to the waiter & returns your son’s phone instead of running off with it”? My reply was that I’ve been backstabbed by some of my friends, acquaintances and strangers of course. This is why I don’t trust anyone, (especially our driver whom I just met), until you earn my trust.

  1. You Must Follow The Herd, The Masses, & Get A Job In Order To Be Successful.

I am living proof that YOU ABSO-FREAKIN-LUTELY DO NOT have to follow the herd, the masses, or get a job in order to be successful.

I was taught by my teachers & parents to get a decent paying job, follow the rules & be like everyone else.

I, as you know, have done the COMPLETE opposite.

I struck out on my own path, escaped the matrix, and ventured out into the unknown, wild world that is entrepreneurship and business ownershp.

Has it been challenging, full of ups & downs, blood, sweat, & tears?

Yes, but it is one of the most rewarding, self growth journey & fulfilling endeavors I have ever pursued.

Memento Memori. A Latin phrase that means “remember you must die”.

Live your calling, flourish & thrive NOT just survive. That is if you in the depths of your soul, of your being are a creator, artist, entrepreneur or just someone who is called TO BE DIFFERENT, TO SHOW THE WORLD YOUR GIFTS, & BE UNIQUELY YOU giving the world what ONLY YOU can do in YOUR OWN WAY, VOICE & SYTLE. I URGE YOU to do what it is that you were MEANT TO DO during your time here on Earth.

2. Money isn’t that important.

Yes it f’ing is. We NEED money to live in this modern society – to pay for groceries that will feed us and our families, to put a roof over our heads, to pay for necessary services (hospital bills, insurance, taxes (oh yes there will always be taxes. In America we say the only things that are guaranteed in this life are death & taxes). Money did not exist in the caveman times, because we valued food. hunting, stones, basic survival like animals, etc., but as a modern evolved human we have enacted money, paper currency, precious metals (gold, silver, copper) as value. Yeah right, money is not important. “Money ain’t everything, but it’s right up there with oxygen”- Les Brown.

    3. Racism isn’t real.

    Yes it freaking is. It has happened to me more than I can count. And still does to this day. Learn to embrace it, focus on what you can control and be so f’ing good they can’t ignore.

    4. Business owners and corporations are there to “help” people.

    Yeah f’ing right. Ok there are a few like my business that is there to “help” people BUT to stay in business over the long term there must be a healthy balance of positive impact & income.

    That said, most & especially BIG businesses/businessmen are just wolves in sheep’s clothing. They’re actually gangsters who rob your money without you even knowing it. Whereas gangsters actually have the dignity to look you in your eye, take your money in person, then run with it. Nah, businessmen with their suit and ties, in their ivory tower, do the same sh*t, but way worse, since they steal way more money without you even knowing.”- Curtis James Jackson III. AKA 50 Cent.

    5. Be nice to people, even when they bully you, throw hate at you, physically try to harm you. In short, be non-confrontational.

    Yeah, no. Listen, I come from a Buddhist family, and I’m all for peace, compassion, and non-violence, BUT there is a limit. And when someone crosses that limit, for example, touching you, punching you, spitting at you, in your face (I mean centimeters away from actually knocking the living crap outta you), then THAT’S IT! From that point on, it’s man vs. man, animal vs. animal, mano y mano.

    I understand Dalai Lama’s non-violence teachings, Ghandi G’s Salt March, but I come from a martial arts background (Black Belt in Samurai Jiu-Jitsu), sports athlete (ALL sports), British Army Colonel Father, and so if I even FEEL a hint of someone about to hit me or do hit me it’s a f*cking wrap. He is going down. It’s lights out for that person. They messed with the wrong human. And from experience, I’ve had to DEFEND myself in 5 real fights and have won EVERY SINGLE ONE! And as we are taught in Karate, we must defend ourselves but try not to harm the other person. And so I defended myself, while causing as much minimal harm to the lunatic as possible.

    6. Your Family & Friends Will Be Your #1 Supporters For Your Wildest Dreams

    Big fat NO!

    I love my family and will be there when they need me.

    BUT, your parents, they either out of love for wanting to keep you safe (ie. get a stable boring a** office desk job), wanting you to fulfill their dream (ahem…ahem…get a Master Degree, become a doctor), not wanting to outshine/out earn them) & a slew of other bullshit things.

    And to my son, Kundun, baby boy, don’t misinterpret that. Daddy wants you to follow your heart, do what you love, fulfill all your deepest desires, dreams, & aspirations. I PROMISE YOU I want you to outshine me, out-earn me, be BETTER than me at EVERYTHING! You are my son, next to Mommy, & Gauga the biggest loves of my life. OF COURSE, I want ONLY THE BEST for YOU.

    Now, phew…this is getting heavy.

    Last but not least…

    7. The World (Fellow Humans) Want The Best For You

    Hell no! Hell f*ing now. Here are the reasons why:

    1. Humans are flawed. We make mistakes, we lie, cheat, steal. We are not machines. At the fundamental core of who we are, we are animals. And as animals, viciousness will come out.
    2. Humans are envious. People will show an evil eye toward you for all you have, all you have done, because it reveals their deepest insecurities and how they were a f*ing lazy piece of sh*t that did not put in the work and now they are projecting their insecurities onto you.
    3. People will dislike you for being your race.
    4. People will even dislike you for how you look (eye shape, face structure, eyes to bushy or whatever). F*ck em! Do YOU boo.
    5. The human condition as Lord Buddha has said, “to be human means to endure “dukkha”, which means suffering. And so each and every one of us is suferring/struggling with something. With that suffering or struggle some of us cannot deal with it productively and so some of us express or release that tension by hurting others whether verbally, physically, mentally or spiritually.

    If you know me, you know I am a kind, positive, full of energy person. That said, I am human and so I hope this shed some light and helped you to realize that the world is not what it seems. You MUST question everything. NEVER take things at just face value without doing some research, observing, being fully consiously aware.

    It’s a cold world, bundle up. Burrr.


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