Take a deep breathe.
Meditation – a simple act of focusing on your breathe.
Allowing any thoughts or ideas of the past, present, or future to race through your mind and then when the thought or idea has subsided allowing it to just as quickly disappear leaving you to just focus on your breathe.
Easier said than done but when done becomes easier. This simple practice in my daily morning routine has made such a positive impact on my life.
It has, as the late Kobe Bryant has said – “Been my anchor.”
It has made me more calm, at peace and all around happier person.
Not to get too bro talk or millennial talk but meditation + intermittent fasting + semen retention + no fap + not eating processed foods + cutting out sugar + eating sardines + eggs + drinking Matcha green tea has made me feel in “Monk Mode”. A lot of my anxiousness, constant need to be doing “something”, and self induced stress of thinking and living in the future has all but gone.
What has surfaced now is this new me, the me I have for a long time aspired to be.
You see, for a long while I have put off blogging because I wasn’t traveling and playing Pro Basketball and felt in order for me to blog on my Basketball blog at TheProJourney.com I’d have to well, travel, and play Pro Basketball.
But through mindfulness, looking within myself, and learning from virtual mentors I have come to realize I really don’t. I could simply blog right now on topics that I am utterly passionate about. I can share my thoughts, ideas and lessons with my fellow brothers and sisters all over the world.
It would be actually selfish of me to keep all my thoughts, ideas and hard earned lessons to myself out of simply “ego” or not wanting to be judged or seen as something else by society.
But you know what, screw that! I am going to as Gary Vaynerchuck preaches, document not just create. I am going to document and share my journey with the world. I am going to share my struggles, my ups, downs, lessons, silver linings, epiphanies, eureka moments with anyone going through the same struggles I am going through or who may be going through something much worse that can relate and gain inspiration, faith or hope from someone else to walk with them on their journey out of their miserable situation.
Look, we all have dark times in life. For some much worse than others. But it is in these dark times that our characters are shaped and we truly get to know who we really are and what humans are truly capable of.
And I don’t know about you, but if I had hit rock bottom or were going through some difficult time in my life it would be such an uplifting feeling to know that someone just like me is going through the same shit, is willing to share it with the world and has come out of their situation stronger than ever.
This simple message of “keep going, it will be ok” is all it takes to keep someone from losing hope, resorting to harmful actions, or even ending their life.
Life is full of ups and downs, but if we continue to stay positive and take the right actions we will be ok.
I hope this post helped you in some way.
Just know there is someone just like you going through your same journey.
In times of chaos and challenges just breathe, stay calm, and listen to your gut, your inner intuition, your inner self.
It will lead you to doing what is right.
I love you and until next post, stay strong and live your best life.