The Great Challenges of Life Are What Make Life Interesting (Embrace Your Struggles & Triumph) 

Life is meant to be challenging. If it were easy, it would be boring.

I’ve realized the difficult times, adversity are what give life it’s color.

Life is not meant to be easy, you are meant to be harder.

I know it’s cliche, but “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”.

And as Bruce Lee said, “you should not wish for an easier life, but a stronger back.”

Through your darkest of times you must have an unbeatable will.

You must have a grand vision.

I deeply understand your desire to want things perfect, but life itself is not perfect. You are not perfect. Humans are not perfect.

Our flaws are what make us human.

So whatever setbacks, failures, or tribulations you experience, be grateful you are still here, still healthy and still able to contribute to humanity.

I find, one of the greatest feelings in the world, is to do something extremely difficult, seeming impossible in the moment, but conquering it in the end. 

It is a true test of your will, desire, and determination to succeed.

At this very moment in time, I am being tested by life.

I am suffering and struggling to find my inner strength, my unbeatable will.

But slowly, moment by moment, day by day, I am gaining my strength. I am rebuilding, practicing the art of letting go, coming back to my true self, and reconnecting with my free, adventurous self.

I wish you the same.

“For when you are happy, you are already enlightened.”

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