We Are All Imperfect

We are imperfect.

We are all perfectly imperfect.

As humans, we are all flawed.

No one is perfect.

For some reason, growing up I thought there actually existed perfection or a perfect human.

However, as I have gotten older and wiser, I have come to learn we are all imperfect, incomplete and impermanent.

Imperfect because we have defects, make errors, and are an ever evolving species. The Japanese philosophy, “Wabi Sabi”, is a beautiful depiction of this. Wabi-sabi is a Japanese aesthetic and philosophy that embraces imperfection and transience. It’s a way of life that can be applied to many aspects of life, including art, design, and home decor.

Wabi-sabi teaches us to appreciate the beauty in humble simplicity and the passage of time. It reminds us that nothing lasts, nothing is finished, and nothing is perfect — reflecting Mother Nature’s wisdom.

What does wabi-sabi mean?

Wabi: Means “less is more” or “simplicity”
Sabi: Means “attentive melancholy” or “quietude” Wabi Sabi

Incomplete because we learn from our mistakes, are constantly improving and will never be a finished product. We are part of a whole and it is this very fact that makes life worth living, worth waking up in the morning to better ourselves and contribute to humanity.

Impermanent, because we are here for a very short period of time on Earth and are then dead for all of eternity.

There’s a reason why our Tibetan Monks create beautiful “Mandalas” from sand and then wash them away when complete. The destruction of a sand mandala is a metaphor for the impermanence of life and a means of releasing its healing power. During the closing ceremony, the sand is swept up and placed in an urn.

I myself have made many mistakes in my life.

I am not proud of my mistakes, but I do appreciate them for they taught me to change my attitude, approach, and habits. Without my mistakes I would have never learned a consistent way of doing something, the power of my mindset and the power of my unbreakable will.

The very fact that we are imperfect should excite us, for our imperfections are what bring life its color and beauty.

Just imagine for a second, if we all were perfect, how boring and monotonous such a life would be. It would be as if we were robots with no emotion, no personality, no life in us.

So you see, our uniqueness, individuality, strengths and weaknesses are what give life its flavor, it’s vibrancy and it’s magic.

I would not have it any other way.

On your journey to progressing toward your actualized self, love your imperfections, love your quirks, love your strengths, love your weaknesses and love yourself.

Have compassion for yourself, forgive yourself and allow yourself to heal and grow.

Keep learning, keep improving, but never forget we are all imperfect.

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