Thank you. Thank you to YOU, the readers. And thank you to WordPress for providing us all a platform to share our stories with the world.
As my first post here on SonamLama.co, I wanted to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude for visiting my website and taking the time out of your day to read my future posts.
You could be doing anything else in this world but you chose to spend some of your precious time reading what I have to say.
And this means the world to me and something I do not take lightly.
I am so excited to go on this journey with you, share my journey, struggles, fears, doubts, thoughts, successes, hard earned lessons, habits and so much more.
And I am so excited to come alive and share things I’ve never shared before. Some of my deepest darkest secrets. Allowing me to be more adventurous, honest and vulnerable than I have ever been in my life.
My wish through these posts is to positively impact just one person’s life and send them on a trajectory they are so happy and proud to be on, which in turn urges them so deeply to impact another person’s life. And from there, the positive ripple effect continues and expands.
If this site can do that and help just one person, then it would all have been worth it.
I am so thankful and blessed that you are here.
Please continue to be YOU and follow your bliss.
There is only one you in this world and we all cannot wait to discover what talents you possess and impact you will make.
I love you and am so excited to join you on this journey of self love, self exploration and contribution to humanity.