
Habits are so crucial in making your visions come true or doing anything worthwhile in life. It’s that consistency, “stick-to-it’ve-ness” that allows you to really follow through on your goals. Without habits you rely on willpower or motivation rather than having the right, supercharged habits on autopilot that will bring you to your destination in much less time, at a much more enjoyable and less stressful pace.

For me, lately, I’ve been having a tough time going to bed before 12 and waking up early around 6 or 7 am. As we are quarantined at the moment it has been challenging to implement the early to bed to early to rise habit. Last night, I went to bed at 11, woke up at 4 am to walk my son around the room to put him back to sleep, went back to bed at 4:30 am and woke up at 7:58 am. Although not super early, it is early enough for me to be awake before my son and wife allowing me to complete my hour of power morning routine. This hour of power allowed me to wash up, get fresh, meditate, visualize myself successfully completing my tasks for the day, drinking my green tea, and now writing this blog post.

Look, I understand, life gets in the way at times and thus you will have to adapt, adjust and get back on the horse. This past weekend for my family was actually quite eventful in that we had family come over to our house warming party forcing me to stay up until 2 am and then the next day spending the day with our friends’ at their boss’ multi million dollar home up in Port Washington, New York, swimming, barbecuing, watching a movie outside on the projector and then driving back home to Jersey going to sleep at 3 am. So it was a rough couple days as my internal body clock was kicked out of whack. But now I’m back on the horse and have reset my circadian rhythm. I will be making the habit of going to bed by 9:30 pm and then waking up at 5-6 am. I ideally shoot for 8 hours of sleep but 7 hours is sometimes sufficient enough for me as well so will experiment with how I feel.

It’s now 10:19 am and my baby boy is now awake so will have to feed him some breakfast. Till next post.


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